Herecká filmografia Garfield vo filme2024 (hlas) Rozzum v divočine2024 Thunderbolt (hlas) Mission: Impossible Odplata - Prvá časť2023 Luther Stickell Mission: Impossible - Fallout2018 Luther Stickell The Star2017 pes Thaddeus Bastardi2017 Mission Impossible 5 - Národ grázlov2015 Luther Stickell Vykonavateľ2013 Ice Man Piraňa 3DD2012 Deputy Fallon Mission Impossible IV2011 Luther Stickell Piraňa 3D2010 Deputy Fallon Klony2009 The Prophet Sprisahanie2009 agent Dave Grant Mission Impossible 32006 Luther Strickell Mission: Impossible 22000 Luther Stickell Pasca1999 Aaron Thibadeaux Pulp Fiction: Historky z podsvetia1994 Marsellus Wallace